Wednesday, February 25, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

So yesterday, I picked up a copy of the book He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo.


And it's a brilliant book. I haven't been able to put it down. Why? It's hilarious, and it's insightful. Even though I'm not an adult, or sexually active, and have only have one boyfriend, this book really gets me thinking about the male species. How they think, why they do what they do, etc. So to all of those ladies out there who are confused, lonely, or just plain bored, pick up a copy of this book. Or go see the movie, if you can't read, I guess.

I have to work today. Not fun. At least it's only for four hours. Well, until next time.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today! Woot! My first real blogging entry (on this website anyways)! Well, today was a fabulous day. Why? Because I got to sleep in. Poor sophomores have to wake up to take the AIMS (Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards). Good thing I got that over with...2 years ago. I get to sleep in tomorrow too. Good times. Though I have to work tomorrow too...5:30-9:30. Not that bad. Plus that's the only day I work this week, so that's good.

At lunch today, it was weird, because the usual taco line at our school wasn't open. So I couldn't get lunch. Because the regular cafeteria only had chicken strips. Ew. So my BFFL Kaitie and I went to her English teacher's room to get food for lunch. I got ramen. Bad mistake. I had like 10 minutes to eat, and my food was really really hot, so I burned many parts of my body in the process. And I didn't even get to finish it. Hah.

Also, because my mom is sick, she keeps making me do tedious errands for her, like go to the grocery store, or pick up dinner, or deposit checks. Not fun, let me tell you. Boring. I wasted my afternoon running around town. Though it was probably better than just being at home and sleeping. I hate taking naps after school, because then I can't sleep when I actually need to at night.

So yeah. Tomorrow is another late start, and I don't have any homework, so this is going to be a good night. I hope.

I can't wait for orchestra tomorrow :)



I feel like I should start blogging regularly. This is my last couple of months as a high school student, and I'm going through a lot of changes. And it seems like whenever I write in a journal, it doesn't get my thoughts down quick enough, and I forget them easily. So yeah. I'll use this blog for ranting and posting my art I guess. I've been doodling a lot, so I'll post my sketches here. If you are following this because you know my DA account, yay! And if you know know it, you can find me on :)