Yeahhh sorry about that.
So let me start off by saying I no longer live at home. Yep. I'm in the dorms. It's pretty awesome actually. I'm not even the least bit homesick. Except I kinda miss my dogs. A lot.
Now I'm sitting in my friend Amy's dorm room watching wrestling as I procrastinate on homework. Well, I mean I don't HAVE to read Chapter 2 of my Intro to Social work, but you know.
Let's get started:
Let's start with something that's pretty new:
Vampires Suck
Yeah, it pretty much sucked as stated in the title.
Now I'm all for stupid funny movies, cause I loved Scary Movie 3 (and 4), but no. This was There wasn't a plot, and the jokes weren't that funny. There was like ONE funny joke and that's when they announced that instead of 'Forks', the city name was 'Sporks'.
If you were a fan of twilight, or you've watched it before, you'll appreciate it a lot more than those who go into the movie blindsided (like my friend who came with me).
So save your 5/6/7/8/9/10 dollars and see it on Netflix or something.
Next up, we have:
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
YES. YES. This movie was very epic in many epicly epic ways.
Well to start off, I wanted to say that if you were a fan of the comics and read them, I sure hope you loved this movie. They did a good job of following the books (even if they left out some stuff), even things like THE ROOMS. THEY LOOKED EXACTLY THE SAMMMEEE. I was blown away. And other elements such as some of the script :P
But overall it was hilarious, well organized, and just fun to watch. The fight scenes got to be a little much at the end, but overall it was awesome. Go see it if you haven't done so. You will especially appreciate this if you are in a band/want to start a band/love videogames :)
That's it for now :) I'll update later.