Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Mediator

I regret to inform everyone that my spring break is coming to a close. I bet you all are wondering, 'Hey Sichi, what did YOU do this spring break?'

My answer?

I read. A LOT. I read a total of 8 books. That's a lot. Well, for me and my busy schedule. But yeah. 8 Books. And not just like picture books. They were all over 300 pages. Yeah.

Two out of those eight were yes, the last two books of the Heather Wells series. But the other 6? A new series that I'm completely addicted to.


The Mediator by Meg Cabot

Typical of me to start reading more books by the same author huh? But yeah. These books, are AMAZING. Set out for middle schoolers though, but really, I couldn't tell. Half of the words in there I didn't even know. No that it says much, since my vocabulary isn't THAT great...

Anywho, this series is about a mediator named Susannah Simon (everyone calls her Suze). A mediator is one who can communicate with ghosts. Suze's job is to help all of the ghosts who are still stranded on our world to get to wherever they go next (heaven, hell, their next life, etc).

Her mother remarries (her father died when she was 6) to a man named Andy, who has 3 sons (David 'Doc', Jake 'Sleepy', and Brad 'Dopey'). So Suze is forced to move from her native New York to sunny Carmel, California. She's totally upset that she has to leave her BFFL Gina, but quickly ajusts to her new life. Well, it also helps that a hot ghost from the 1800's is living in your room.

Hector de Silva, or Jesse, use to live in Susannah's house (that was a hotel back then) and was murdered there. Now he hangs out in her room, and of course, captures her heart. He's handsome, and manages to get Suze out of trouble.

At her new school, Suze makes new friends, such as an albino girl named CeeCee, and CeeCee's friend (and crush) Adam. Also, she befriends her school principal, who is also a mediator (and the first mediator she meets besides herself).

For more information on the book and it's characters, visit

It's a series of 6 books: Shadowland, Ninth Key, Reunion, Darkest Hour, Haunted, and Twilight.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend these books. Seriously. You will fall in love with them like I did, and constantly have to go back to the library to get the next couple of books. And get weird look from the librarians as they start to notice you come in...everyday...

But yeah.

Oh, and if you guys start to read it, and you're all like WTF THIS IS KINDA LIKE TWILIGHT. Well...stfu. It's not like Twilight. Even if it is, it came out beforeeee Twilight. Mediator: 2000. Twilight: 2005. Suck on that Stephanie Meyer!


  1. XD Ewwwww, Twilight refrences.

    I've been thinking of reading this series actually. It looked pretty interesting, and now that I have my license, I can live at teh Library full time!!

  2. Haha I know right? Ew. Ew. EW.

    And omg yess! READ ITTT. So I have someone to talk about it with hahaa. I don't know anyone like really well who has read it. I'm trying to convince one of my bffls to read it hehe :P

  3. Ewwwwww.... Like seriously. Get that off your blog before it catches something. XP

    XD Well I guess I'll just have to read it then. Have you read All American Girl or Teen Idol by Meg Cabot too?

  4. I should...hmmm....

    Yep! I read All American Girl and the sequel to it...Ready of Not...I think that's what it's called. Loved it. Not Teen Idol...though I read the description of it the other day and it looks pretty good. Have you read it?

  5. I have some anti-Twilight ointment you can rub on your monitor to keep the radiation out, maybe that woul help.

    Cool, I actually own all three. I liked All American Girl and Ready or Not. Teen Idol was great though, I really liked it. I'd recommend it, it's a cheap paperback. (Actually, teen romance type books, aka Cabot books, are sort of my guilty pleasure. Don't tell anyone I'm reading them.)
