I have a lot of reviews to do today. Let's start off with a movie review:

WatchmenI was so excited for this movie. No, I didn't read the comics (despite my friend's constant reminders to go buy them), but the trailer looked pretty awesome, and I've heard good things about the comics. So I was like, why not? And the artistic direction by the same people that did "300"? Awesome. So I dragged my step-dad (because I'm not old enough to watch it myself yet) and siblings on opening day. And let me tell you, I was disappointed.
First off: I was confused. So confused. In the beginning, with the flashbacks, and whatnot, I wasn't sure when it was present, and sometimes who was who. It took me 3/4s of the movie to realize who exactly The Comedian was. Sad, I know. And I probably would have known a lot more if I had read the comics. BUT. Still, I think they should have done a little less flashing back. I know they are necessary...but really.
Oh, and the music. Really now? It was so inappropriate at times. Like the song they played during the funeral scene (I forgot what it's called) was so upbeat and happy that it took away the emotion from it. And the song 'Hallelujah' during one of the sex scenes? Sung by Leonard Cohen. Just...no. The only person that really deserve to sing that song is Rufus Wainwright (in my opinion).
Oh, and I haven't seen that much sex and nudity in a movie since
Knocked Up. And seeing it with my younger siblings was just extremely awkward. Ugh.
However, the cinematography was amazing. As well as all of the fight scenes, which were well organized and kept me on the edge of my seats. Also, the one thing that made this movie awesome? One word: Rorschach.
"Heard a joke once: Man goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says "Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says "But, doctor...I am Pagliacci." Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains."Oh, and my personal favorite:
"I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me."BAM.
= 2 STARSNext on my review list...

Size 12 is Not Fat
by Meg CabotMy mother and I went to a bookstore about a week ago, and I desperately needed a new book to read (and actually enjoy). So I stumbled upon this book, and seeing it was by Meg Cabot, I knew it had to be good. The
Princess Diaries series did so well, and I knew she was a good writer, because I had read
All-American Girl and loved it. Anyways.
This book is about an ex-pop star named Heather Wells. After her mother took off with her manager and all of her money, and she caught her boyfriend cheating on her, Heather moves into an apartment complex her ex boyfriend's brother owns. His name is Cooper, and he's Heather's secretly love. He's gorgeous, nice, sexy, and a PI. What more could Heather want? Oh, but the thing is, he doesn't even know she exists. That is, until something terrible happened at Heather's work.
Heather works in a dorm (or 'residence hall', as she puts it) for New York college. She's the assistant director. One day, a girl is found dead at the bottom of the elevator shaft, and the police just think she got clumsy elevator surfing. But Heather knows better. Girls
don't elevator surf. So her and her crush Cooper do on a wild goose chase trying to find out whodunit, because the police have closed off the investigation. And after ANOTHER girl dies, Heather is more determined than ever to catch the murderer.
This book not only contains the hilarity of the other Meg Cabot books, but has a very good mystery plot. The whole book I'm wondering whodunit, and I never got it right. And I'm usually good at these kind of things. The plot is constantly shifting, and ever page with the word 'Cooper' on it was just amazing, because I too fell in love with the fictional man.
Size 12 is Not Fat is part of a trilogy. The other two books are
Size 14 is Not Fat Either, and
Big Boned. I finished the second book in a day, and read half of the 3rd book last night. They are just brilliant. If you need a good set of books to read, definitely pick this one up.
SICHI RATES THIS: ***** = FIVE STARS.And my last review today is a video game review.

Wii FitI traded in some of my old games yesterday at
Gamestop (my current place of employment) and had about $100 to burn. At first, I was sceptical of spending $90 on Wii fit, but it had gotten great reviews from 2 of my good friends who owned it, and the commericals made it look really fun. So along with reserving my copy of the new
DSi (the new DS set to come out April 5th {2 days after by birthday!}), I went ahead and bought it. And boy am I glad I did.
Not only is it extremely fun to play, but with certain exercises I can really feel the burn. I played it about 30 minutes yesterday (I would have gotten more time in if it wasn't for my siblings also wanting a turn) and an hour and a half today. Apparently I already lost 1 pound! Haha. But it's pretty awesome. There are 4 different kinds of activities: Yoga, Strength, Aerobics, and Balance Games. All are equally fun and challenging. Now what I really like about Wii Fit is that you don't automatically come with all of the poses and games: you have to earn them. It makes me have a goal to set, and makes me actually WANT to lose weight and do it for hours on end. Apparently on the scale, I'm 'In danger of overweight', which scares me, and makes me want to get into that 'Healthy Weight' yellow bar. So this is something I recommend to everyone, people trying to lose weight, and for those who just want a cool Wii game to play.
SICHI RATES THIS: ***** = FIVE STARSThat's it for today. Thanks for reading!